Sunday, August 30, 2015

AEE 412 Weekly Writing #1

So... my first thoughts... wow, that was a lot of reading...

To me the most important thing that stood out to me was that it is critical to start out teaching on the right foot. In order to do that we should try to be as prepared as possible, and seek out help immediately if we are struggling! 

One of the "Top Ten Effective Teacher Characteristics" that really stood out to me was positive reinforcement, and the example given about writing/giving positive feedback on students' papers and exams. This has always been important to me, and I am often disappointed when teachers or professors don't give me any feedback. It is my goal to not be "that teacher" who doesn't give any feedback. I have just started "TA'ing" for an upper level anatomy class, and when another TA saw me meticulously going over the homework I was grading and writing the correct answers for the questions they missed they remarked that "it takes too long to do it that way". For me, it is not an issue that it takes longer, after all that is what we are getting paid to do, but more importantly I want the students to do well, learn from their mistakes, and know that I care enough that I will try to do my best to give them feedback so that they can be successful!

Although I have not had the opportunity to do so yet, I would like to find some more information on the best practices and tips for providing feedback to students on their assignments and exams, and what things may have the greatest positive impact.

1 comment:

  1. Rachel,
    Thank you for completing this.
    Three Things:
    1) Think about titling your posts so you can remember what they are about to go back to later
    2) Use Labels: You can search your blog later with labels, so label it with terms you might want to find in the future
    3) Incorporate Multimedia, a picture or a video to illustrate you point.

